SBSD Study Together sessions

A crucial part of the Side by Doula Preparation Course is the assignments. In 10 or 11 sessions I can't squeeze in all the information that you might need to get started in your new role, so some of that learning is self-led. This is great for people who have different styles of learning. You can use websites, videos, books, blogs or podcasts to research most of the assignment topics.
As most of us have been out of formal education for quite a while, we might have lost some of those studying skills that we used during school, college or university. And with all of the other pressures of life, some of us tend to let things that are good for us as individuals slip to the bottom of the list. So we need to find the right motivation.
Studies have shown that it's easier to stay motivated if we are held accountable in some way, and there's a method that is growing increasingly popular called body-doubling - more info in this link - which is one way to be accountable to others when you need to get something done.
So with that in mind, I offer a Zoom room once a month for SBSD Study Together sessions or even just a space to Drop In and ask any questions you might have. They'll happen on the First Friday of the month during school term times. I hope to be there most of the time (I need as much motivation to get stuff done as everyone else!), but even if I'm not, the room will be available for anyone to participate. Except where it overlaps with teaching blocks, or if I am in another meeting. The link to the meeting should be in your Course Confirmation, Course Reminder or Follow Up/Next Steps email.
You don't need to book, you can stay for as long or as little as you need, but hopefully you will be able to schedule in some of that time to get your coursework done. Even if you just get it started during the session, it's amazing how much easier you'll find it once you take those first steps.
If I'm there, feel free to ask questions or get feedback on the work you've done so far, or even just have a catch up chat with me and other course attendees. There'll hopefully be a mix from past, present and future cohorts and you'll be able to expand your network.
So hopefully I'll see you there!

“I strongly believe if you work hard, whatever you want, it will come to you.”
Beyoncé Knowles-Carter